Reminder: Save Your iOS 5.1.1 SHSH Blobs Now Before It’s Too Late

We’re currently experiencing that wonderful, rare period of time where all devices have been jailbroken on the latest firmware, but before you iOS users get too carried away, it’s of paramount importance that you save your iOS 5.1.1 SHSH blobs now, before Apple ceases signing the firmware.

Knowing this version can be jailbroken untethered, it’s important you archive the SHSH blobs for safekeeping, incase you should wish to downgrade at sometime in the future. A downgrade is usually possible so long as you have the blobs saved, and if you don’t store them in time, you’ll never be able to downgrade to that firmware version – which is especially disheartening if you’re stuck on a firmware version which cannot be jailbroken.

To cover your back, your first port of call should be to check through Cydia, which has the measures in place to automatically save SHSH blobs. Given the sheer number of newly-jailbroken iOS 5.1.1 devices, this may not have been done, but if it has, you will see “SHSH: iOS 5.1.1” on Cydia’s home page. If you see no sign, then you should use TinyUmbrella to backup your blobs.

Even if you’ve no intention of updating to a future version until a jailbreak is released, it’s still better you save the SHSH blobs. If Apple’s next firmware update turns out to be filled with bugs, you’ve not left yourself with any way of escaping the trauma, but if they have been saved, you have left yourself with an out.

As well as the ever-reliable TinyUmbrella, iSHSHit 1.1.0 is also compatible with iOS 5.1.1, and provides yet another simple way for you to save your blobs. Both are as simple to use as each other, and as long as you utilize one of them, you’re sorted.


Those running the new iPad will be especially happy about the events of the past couple of days, considering it’s the very first jailbreak available for the Retina display device. Jailbreaks for the newer devices are harder for the various dev teams to create, so its even more important for you to back up your blobs if you own one of them.

Once you’ve backed them up, feel at liberty to continue enjoying the wonderful freeness of the untethered jailbreak 5.1.1 – I know I am!

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Posted on May 27, 2012, in iPad, iPhone and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.
