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Lookout Security And Antivirus For Android Updated With SD Card Scanning And Real-Time Protection

It’s no big secret that cases of Android malware have been sharply on the rise, and as such, there are now various counter apps from security firms, all purporting to offer the best possible protection. Read the rest of this entry

This Tweak For iPhone Lets You Manage App Permissions To Keep Your Device’s Security Tighter

The Protect My Privacy tweak, available through the usual hub known as Cydia, is a package that exists to help users protect their personal information when using their jailbroken iPhone. Since the turn of the year, we have been treated to a number of mobile app scandals surrounding apps that accesses certain information on the device without asking the user for permission before doing so. In some instances, this is a breach of Apple’s developer terms and conditions, but it is also a large breach of a user’s trust and in some instances the device owner doesn’t even know what it being accessed by the app. Read the rest of this entry