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How To Make iOS Announce The Name Of The App Being Launched

It may just be something that is unique to me, but I always seem to get a little excited about mobile apps and Cydia-based tweaks that offer some kind of audible feedback Read the rest of this entry

OneByOne Tweak Lets You Delete Contacts On iPhone With A Single Swipe Gesture

Being an iOS device owner is somewhat a bitter experience. On one hand, you have Apple’s design and the manufacturer’s cutting-edge premium products which no-one seems Read the rest of this entry

This Tweak Displays Comprehensive Battery Information Within iOS 5 Notification Center

The release of the innovative Dashboard X tweak has given a new lease of life to all of those Notification Center based widgets that have been sitting stagnant in the add-ons Read the rest of this entry

This Tweak For iPhone Lets You Go Back A Screen Using Simple Swipe Gesture

There seems to be a growing trend in the world of iOS for apps and tweaks that allow users to use gestures, taps and swipes to navigate within an application, or when it comes to Cydia-based packages, even navigate around the OS. The SwipeNav tweak from Cydia continues that trend of implementing swipes but does it in a different way compared to how others have gone about it. Read the rest of this entry

How To View Animated GIF Images Right From Your iPhone’s Native Photos App

One of the most appealing features of using a device like the iPhone or iPad is the fact that they act as an extremely powerful media gadget, capable of displaying rich media on the beautiful multi-touch display. Regular users will be aware that although the device is very powerful, it does have certain limitations when it comes to using specific file types, something that can be very frustrating considering how powerful and advanced the device is. Read the rest of this entry

This Tweak For iPhone Lets You Manage App Permissions To Keep Your Device’s Security Tighter

The Protect My Privacy tweak, available through the usual hub known as Cydia, is a package that exists to help users protect their personal information when using their jailbroken iPhone. Since the turn of the year, we have been treated to a number of mobile app scandals surrounding apps that accesses certain information on the device without asking the user for permission before doing so. In some instances, this is a breach of Apple’s developer terms and conditions, but it is also a large breach of a user’s trust and in some instances the device owner doesn’t even know what it being accessed by the app. Read the rest of this entry

How To Make Sparrow The Default Mail App On iPhone And Enable Push Notification Capabilities

The Sparrow+ tweak that has just landed in Cydia is essentially a package which the jailbreak community had to provide in order to get the Sparrow iOS app to work in the fashion in which the developers would have really intended. Unfortunately for them, for one reason or another, Apple wouldn’t allow the app to be in the App Store with push abilities, leaving users of the Sparrow app having to manually retrieve mail through it.

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iCleaner For iPhone Frees Up Space By Deleting Obsolete, Unnecessary And Unused Files

Although some are naturally more economical than others when it comes to managing storage space on their iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, I think most of us would agree that if we could top up our quota for a few extra songs, apps, games or video clips, we probably would.

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Make Free Voice Calls Via Bluetooth on iPhone

Did you know that Bluetooth is the Anglicized version of the name given to Kind Harald I of Denmark who was well-known for uniting various tribes in Denmark into one single Kingdom? Not exactly relevant to the iBluetooth Call app, but still it’s worth knowing that our technology names are steeped in history.

So, the iBluetooth Call jailbreak app that is currently running at version 1.3 is something which I would describe as a “novelty” which allows users to connect to other jailbroken devices through Bluetooth for the purpose of initiating local voice chats that are passed between the wireless technology. By calling this app a novelty, I don’t want to deter from the fact that it is actually a fairly decent idea and a very good implementation, it is just that it doesn’t really provide any real-life benefits due to the limitations of Bluetooth.

To make effective use of this app, a number of people in a group need to install it upon their jailbroken device and invoke a chat session by connecting their devices through the supplied app. Anyone who intends to use iBluetooth Call will obviously need to have a device with Bluetooth capabilities as well as a built-in microphone. Considering the app is compatible with iOS 3.0 and above, hence there is a possibility that users of the old second-gen iPod touch could install this tweak and join the Bluetooth voice convo party. In other words, a device running iOS 3.0 and above, tagged along with a built-in microphone (or a wired headset with a microphone) is all what it needs to kick off this app.

The idea of being able to talk in a small group through Bluetooth is quite an attractive one, and as the developer points out, it could be a nice little thing to use in a small party or with friends. However, in real-world situations, the connectivity limitations of the Bluetooth technology make this a tweak of form and novelty over mass function.

iBluetooth Call is available as a free of charge download from the BigBoss repository and is compatible with Bluetooth enabled devices which are running iOS 3.0 and above, and have a built-in microphone or an attached compatible headset.

SpinTask For iPhone Lets You Quickly And Efficiently Switch Between A Pre-Defined Set Of Apps

With the introduction of iOS 4.0, Apple brought the current native multitasking system to us that allows users to quickly switch back and forth between apps that have been recently used and currently reside in the switcher tray. Those said apps can be accessed by double pressing the Home button on the device. Developers who cater for jailbroken users through the release of Cydia-based packages have been coming up with and launching tweaks that investigate additional ways to switch between apps.

The SpinTask tweak is yet another app switcher to hit Cydia, but is smart enough to not only hook into and display backgrounded applications from the multitasking tray, but also allow users to set up four of their favorite apps for quick launching. The tweak is designed with the main task of allowing the user to invoke one of four apps quickly and efficiently, which one would assume is meant to remove the laborious task of having to sift through folders of apps to find the right one.

After installation, SpinTask does not provide any additional home screen icons for user interaction, but does come bundled with its own preferences entry within the native Settings app in iOS. The SpinTask settings allow a decent amount of configuration for the tweak, allowing users to configure certain aspects of it to suit their needs and tastes. Perhaps the most expected option is the ability to alter the gesture that is used to invoke the tweak and bring up the switcher display. SpinTask comes with the Activator header files included, which gives users all of the standard gestures and button press choices that they have become accustomed to.

The rest of the configurable options pertain to how the user actually want to interact with the tweak, and allow customization of how many taps should be expected before the apps are launched, as well as changing how the swipe gestures are interpreted through the pan and inverse settings. Finally from a settings point of view, users can select four apps from the installed set of list that will be displayed in the overlaid view when the tweak is invoked. If this section is ignored, SpinTask will pull four apps from the multitasking section of iOS and display them instead.

SpinTask is available as a free of charge download from the BigBoss repository and requires a device running iOS 5 or above.